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Movie or animation visualizations are great for telling stories.  It allows you to paint a fluid and continueous picture for the audience that adds a level of context that static visualizations simply cannot achieve.

Vegetated Transportation

This Video was created as a part of a study abroad trip to Japan in January of 2012. It was created as an entry to the 2012 AIA-MN Videotect competition which was focused around sustainable transportation.  

Open/Shade Space​​

A short film investigating the nature of public space throughout Minneapolis and St. Paul.  This was the result of a week-long international workshop at the U of M, and was a collaboration between myself, and Yosuke Akiyama and Mio Sato from Tokyo University of Science.

2nd Floor Renovation

Animation in the form of a walkthrough is also very helpful to allow clients to understand spatial relationships.  In this 2nd floor renovation plan, space was tight and this animation helped allow my brother and his wife to  understand the reality of the space

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